Laughs & Support Parenting

11 Gifs that perfectly explain #TodayInParenthood

Written by Grant

11 parenting gifs that explain our approach to parenting.

Adding 2 under two to our already chaotic life has been wonderful, but it also creates some additional challenges to our crazy life. Since we got engaged in 2012, Holly and I found and lost more than 8 jobs, we’ve moved seven times, had several major surgeries and oh yeah, added two awesome kids.

So how do we keep our sanity? Gifs. A picture says 1,000 words so an animated picture says even more right? Here are 11 gifs that perfectly explain #todayinparenthood. So far.

1. When you just don’t know what’s going on or why you’re there.


Yeah, “what was I doing again” could be our family motto. It’s not, but that doesn’t mean I’m not constantly wondering WTF I’m doing at any given moment.

2. All your nom-nom’s belong to them.


Yeah, when you’re a parent, nothing is yours anymore. It starts during pregnancy. Holly will tell you, you’re never alone! But when you have something your kids want? They turn into little tyrannosaurs. Nomnom.

3. Nope.


It’s not just the toddler – when anyone is our family doesn’t want something, they’ll tell you. One of the most fascinating things I’ve learned from being a parent is that 6-month-olds have clear preferences. Sometimes we’ll puree our own baby food and I tried to make J some carrots. That kid DOES NOT LIKE CARROTS and clearly told me by making a very similar face.

4. When ‘help’ is a 4 letter word.


Bless his heart. We try and teach H to be as helpful as possible. And usually, he is a lot more capable than I give him credit for. But then sometimes his toddler-y limitations are very, very apparent.

5. Kids require quick reflexes.


I love our kids – but H has now reached the age where he’s learning to throw. And very few things are more anxiety-producing than a toddler running at your full speed with a projectile and no idea how to use it.

6. Yeah…

Toddler with Bucket on Head Runs into Chair
Credit: Ebaum’s World

Sometimes things just happen. Like when you have to tell your kid not to stab his penis with a fork (true story). Or stand on his brother. Or some combination of putting ___ in/on ____ which is usually gross and/or dangerous.

7. Packing for trips got a lot harder.

Crib, changing table, stroller, two strollers actually
Via Buzzfeed

I say “trips” because vacations don’t happen very often for us. Between unemployment and some other expenses, we have lots of “mini-vacations” (i.e. family obligations) whenever possible.

8. All the lists.

I have #ADHD and lists are (usually) my friend. But sometimes I get a little carried away with how much I can get accomplished in a 3-hour window while the kids are napping.

9. Finding the perfect parenting accessory.

For us, it’s been 3 books. Yes, we’re book people. No, none of them are “what to expect when you’re expecting”. Really, these books also define our approach to parenting in general.

Moms on Call 0-6 months and Mom’s on Call 6-15 months. Two former nurses provide sample schedules and how to’s for your child’s first 15 months. We modified the schedules to fit our lifestyle, but it’s worth it just to get your kid on a normal sleep schedule.

The Whole Brain Child – by Daniel Siegel and Tina Bryson. A clinical psychologist and pediatric psychotherapist walk you through how your child’s (and your) brains work. It’s worth the cost just for the section on understanding tantrums.

Cribsheet – By Emily Oster, An economist uses data to dispel parenting myths. Also check out Expecting Better, her book on pregnancy (we wish we had).

10. Messes happen.


Sometimes you just gotta go with it. If your kid loves eating it, but they get messy, just feed it to them right before bathtime and let them go to town. H loves watermelon. After a few pieces, he looks like he was out playing in a sprinkler. So after he finishes, I just swap out his shirt and/or pants and send him on his way.

11. Nailed it.

Sometimes things just come together. Whether it’s successful managing a tantrum, going out to eat without forgetting anything or leaving any kids behind, or just getting #winning at the whole parenting thing. Congrats, you got this!

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